Have a Safe and Healthy Summer for Your Child

Summer brings sunshine and heat. It is a time for vacations, and exciting outdoor activities for children. But with extreme heat, you need to be careful and vigilant. But, an extended period outdoors comes with the added responsibility for parents. You need to ensure your child's safety and well-being. Here's a comprehensive guide from the best schools in Gurugram to help you overcome these warm months. Let us create a summer filled with fun and health.

Sun Protection Is Important for All Ages

Did you know, the sun's ultraviolet (UV) rays pose a significant risk even on cloudy days. Here's how to safeguard your child:

  • Sunscreen Application 

Use broad-spectrum sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher. Apply to all exposed skin 15 minutes before outdoor activities. Reapply every two hours. It is needed more frequently if your child is sweating or swimming. Don't forget areas like ears, lips, and the tops of feet.

  • Avoid Noons

Plan outdoor activities for early mornings or late evenings. It is when the sun's intensity is lower. Use shade whenever possible, such as under trees or by carrying an umbrella.

  • Protective Clothing 

Loose-fitting and breathable clothes are the best fit for summers. Make your child wear a long sleeve dress and pants. It provides additional sun protection. Opt for lightweight, light-colored fabrics. Cotton is the best choice. It allows for sweat evaporation.

Hydration Is The Key to Beat the Heat

Summer heat can lead to dehydration. Active children are prone to water scarcity in the body. Here's how to ensure proper hydration:

  • Reusable Water Bottle

Equip your child with a reusable water bottle. They can carry it throughout the day. Encourage frequent sips, even if they don't feel thirsty. The best schools in Gurugram supply fresh and filtered water to your child, so no worries. 

  • Limit Sugary Drinks

Sugary drinks can dehydrate your child further. Water is the best choice for easy and quick hydration.

  • Frozen Treats

Frozen fruits or popsicles can be fun. It is a refreshing way to replenish fluids on a hot day.

Keeping Cool and Comfortable In Summers

Excessive heat can be unbearable. Even with proper hydration, you cannot ignore the warmth. Take breaks in air-conditioned spaces in the daytime. Splash in a sprinkler, or enjoy a cool shower to lower your child's body temperature. Also, do not forget to follow the above.

Water Safety Is A Top Priority

Water activities are a summer highlight. But they require vigilant supervision from parents. Here are some essential water safety measures:

  • Constant Adult Supervision

Never leave your child unattended near water. Even in a shallow wading pool or bathtub, stay with them.

  • Life Jacket Use

A properly fitted life jacket is a must for your child. Take safety precautions whenever they are on a boat, swimming in a lake or ocean, or even playing near a pool.

  • Pool Safety Rules

Teach your child basic pool safety rules. These can be things like: no running around the pool and avoiding diving into shallow water.

  • Swimming Lessons

Consider enrolling your child in swimming lessons. This helps to build confidence and water safety skills.

Keeping Bugs at Bay: Enjoying the Outdoors Without Bites

Summer also brings out mosquitoes and other insects. These are harmful and may cause severe illness. Here are some ways to minimize bites:

  • Insect Repellent: Use a child-safe insect repellent. Use according to the manufacturer's instructions. Reapply as needed.

  • Protective Clothing: When going out into areas with a high concentration of bugs, opt for long pants, long-sleeved shirts, and closed-toe shoes.

Maintaining Healthy Habits, Even While on Vacation

Healthy habits are important for overall well-being. It is not just a thing to follow at home. Even during summer breaks, you should mandatorily follow some healthy rules. Here are some reminders:

  • Balanced Meals and Snacks: Pack healthy snacks and lunches when your child is on the go. Focus on fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. This ensures they receive essential nutrients.

  • Ensuring Adequate Sleep: Maintain a consistent sleep schedule. During breaks from school (vacations), maintain the same schedule. Adequate sleep is vital for children's growth, development, and energy levels.

Making Summer Fun and Safe

These above practices recommended by the best schools in Gurugram are important for you to create a safe and healthy summer environment for your child. The most valuable aspect of summer is spending quality time with your children and creating lasting memories together. So set aside concerns with few precautionary measures.

best schools in Gurugram


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