Screenagers & Studies: Striking a Balance in the Digital Age

Children are addicted to screens, and this digital age has revolutionized how we learn and connect. Today's parents have to manage this dynamic world of digital technology and their "screenagers," which seems to be a tough job. Parents have to find a way to balance screen time and studying for their children. 

The counselors of the schools in Gurugram have brought the parents a guide that will offer them strategies that can strike a balance to promote a safe academic relationship between the child and technology. 

Understanding the Mind of the Screenager

When children reach their teenage years, their minds and brains are not mature enough, making them easily susceptible to the glamor of technology. Social media platforms and games are designed to be attractive and rewarding. These high-definition addictive games and alluring videos on Instagram trigger dopamine, which releases the "feel-good" chemical in the brain. This develops a craving for seeing more screen time, which affects their focus and motivation for studying.

Activity 1: Self-Awareness

As a mom, question yourself before setting boundaries. What are your technology habits? How often do you check Instagram? Does the time you spend impact your work or your responsibilities? You can set up a digital well-being app to monitor your usage and check your technology habits. Children walk in their parents' footsteps, so be mindful of your own little habits. 

The Two Sides of the Screen

There are two sides to a coin, and so does technology. Educational apps, e-books, podcasts, online courses and many other practical tools have become learning assets. Here are some ways to make use of the positive side:

  • Educational Apps & Games: Parents can check educational apps and games that cater to their child's learning style and interests. These interesting apps and games can make studying more engaging.  

  • Online Courses: Nowadays, plenty of online courses offer extensive learning opportunities. They can help your children learn more about specific subjects or even learn new ones, like coding or robotics.

Activity 2: Tech for Good

You can have an open conversation with your child and help them understand the positive aspects of technology. Ask them about their interests and help them identify some apps, websites, or online courses that they can utilize for their learning. 

Drawing A Healthy Boundary

Parents and children should identify the valuable online resources and make a shortlist. According to the schools in Gurugram, guardians should draw a line between their study time and screen time. Here are some strategies that can assist you:

  • Screen Time Schedules: You should create a daily or weekly screen schedule for your child. Allocate specific hours for studying, games, and relaxation. 

  • Create Screen-Free Zones: You can create screen-free zones in the house and ask your child to follow the rules strictly. This will help minimize distractions during lesson time and promote good sleep.

  • Be A Role Model: You, as parents, should enforce screen time rules for yourself. Do not use your phone during meal times or while you are helping your children with their lessons.  

  • Clear Communication: Make your child understand the importance of creating a balance and the negative impacts of too much screen time.

Activity 3: Indulging Them into a Tech-Free Activities

Parents should assist their kids in developing a coping mechanism for dealing with the urge to check their social media often. You can shortlist some engaging activities they can try during their screen-free time. There is a list which includes:

  • Reading an interesting book

  • Playing a board game with their friends or siblings 

  • Engage them to pursue a hobby of their choice 

  • Going for swimming or cycling  

  • Playing a musical instrument 

When Professional Help is Needed?

Technology is good, but it has a negative side. If your child is using more screen time and it is impacting their studies or mental health, then seek professional help immediately. You can meet a therapist or child counselor at top schools in Gurugram who are specialists and can provide their full assistance. 

You can get in touch with The Shriram Millennium School, Gurgaon and discuss your concerns!

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